What is the Birinci Kalite Brand ?
Birinci Kalite Brand established in 2011 years in Türkiye
We are make seller and buyer between connections...We find from Factories or Companies Textile Garment Product Stocks, Textile 2.hand Machines or Fresh order offers.After we are send this offers at agent companies or buyer companies...If buyer companies interested with these offers, after we are start for sale procedures
If you want we are make Advertising, Consultancy and PUBLICITY for your products at our web site.
After your products we add website and, we make advertising and PUBLICITY your products at companies at the World...After we'll try for find NEW CUSTOMERS
There are of Our Brand first rule, Trust Business
We will grow together at the World (Seller-Buyer and Our Brand companies)
So we have to do every time Trust Business, after We all make money win together
Now there are in Our website approximately total 50 million €uro textile products and 2.hand Textile machine details.Our aim soon we are make in the Website online publish, 100 million €uro products and 2.hand textile machines
Fresh orders producing Factories or Large stock selling Companies, for business cooperation waiting replay
For more details please sent mail us at Contact address mail
E-mail address:
For Machine and Product details birincikalite@gmail.com
For Corporate Offers birincikalite@birincikalite.com.tr
Turkish Names = Birinci Kalite, BirinciKalite, 1. Kalite
English Names = First Quality, FirstQuality, 1. Quality